Contemporary Contribution Made by the National Association of Vocational Education of China
VTE English Edition - VTE English Edition NO.3-4, 2012

By Staff Reporter Chen Yan

A non-profiting organization, a social organization, the third sector, NGO…, all these can be used to identify the National Association of Vocational Education of China, the first nongovernmental organization dedicated to vocational education in China. How could the National Association of Vocational Education of China, a non-governmental organization, grow from an organization firstly established on May 6, 1917 with 48 members to the well-known and quite influential one at home and abroad with over 30,000 members at present? The common appraisal on the association is “it was born to the call of the time, and progressed with the trend of the world”. The so-called “born to the call of the time” means 95 years ago when Mr. Huang Yanpei and other celebrities from the circles of education and industry established the National Association of Vocational Education of China; they held the conviction that “education could save the country”. The so-called “progress with the trend of the world” means over 95 years, the National Association of Vocational Education of China has been adhering to the guidance of “offering jobs to the unemployed and bringing happiness to the employed”. During the revolution, development and reform process of China, the association has always combined closely the development of vocational education with the country’s development, national rejuvenation and people’s wellbeing. In particular, the contribution by the National Association of Vocational Education of China to the development of vocational education can be concluded as “national thought, reflection of public opinion, livelihood project and people-to-people diplomacy”.(Annex